Some weeks ago Myst discovered that xp in BRD was sweeeeet running at half to three quaters a level for a messy run where we completed maybe a third of the place before we all went ... bah, it's late, I'm tired goodnight ... kk so we'd started at that time of night where a sane person would have gone to bed. Now that run was back when she was only JUST big enough to get in.
So, last night sees her back in LFG not too fussed if she didn't get a run as she had to do the run around in EPL finding the little girl's dolly and handing in a couple of quests at Hope's Chapel so a bit of time spent riding long leagues as she didn't have a lot of fp up that way other than the obligatory refuge, southshore and chillwind point ones from SM runs back ages ago. Riding up the road well west of HC, comes a whisper ... 'BRD yes?' ... 'sureeeee' I reply ... coool. Hand in my quests and she dings 53 ... nice. Allocate another talent point registering that mmm crap the tree looks messy reflecting her first respec into feral when I was ooo yah pure dps that began morphing into mmm maybe being a bear would be fun resulting just in a bit of confusion that would horrify most theory crafting people. One summons later sees her standing at the stone in BRD with my head spinning and rushing to catch up with people managing to agro every damn thing in the cavern before the entry portal. Dead on the ground the healer goes ...' where did you die?' In horror at my stupidity I'm 'ooo don't ask, I wont be long', run back, res and catch up looking decidedly incompetent.
Myst was the smallest dps in the group by two levels and her dps and damage output I thought was looking shabby until I realized that I was being outpdps'ed by a lvl 57 hunter by only 100 points so I didn't feel quite so bad after that. Part way though the run, the very, very competent holy speced healer priest looks at me and goes 'Can you heal?'. My immediate thought was ...'crap my dps is so bad the healer wants to swap'. I reply, 'Well I don't have dual yet so all my points are feral but I have a bit of spirit/int gear with me, I could have a go'. 'cool' she replies 'I'm dual shadow/holy but have not had a chance to run it yet'. So we swop and I slip via Item Rack into 'something more comfortable' and manage to heal us through a couple of tight fights. :) ok, so our health dipped a lot more than it did with our seriously good healer (she has, apparently 3 80's and all healers and I can believe that with how she ran) but only one res needed so I was pleased and ooo so can't wait for that 1000g to build up so I can go feral/resto. I know resto/balance makes more sense in gear but I'm enjoying being a kitty dps and have used bear in solo work and enjoyed that - i've not been game enough to list as tank yet - think I need to ask some guildies for a favour and have a go at tanking them before I do that.
Myst clearly was not as good at healing as the holy priest and so after a bit we swapped back at her suggestion :(. She was finding the healing a bit boring but hey, we got a long way through the place before, yet again, we all decided to go home.
Two runs in there and mmm Myst is now 2 bar of xp off 55 and needing some training. I would have liked to ding again but our tank needed to sleep and quite frankly, so did I.